But also: Being able to handle a number of assets at once with only one file not kind of the textbook definition of, well, a "bundle"? And despite this being more of a philosophical argument, having to handle multiple AssetBundles is not always the ideal way to go. And if you need other assets on a later point in your application, load a different AssetBundle. The usual answer on this issue is always: Split your assets into multiple smaller AssetBundles in a smart way so that you will only have to load what you need. But that's not the case on mobile devices where memory management is crucial. Usually, with today's machines, having it persist in memory is not that much of a deal, if you run out of memory the OS will cache it to disk without you having to do anything. You then would either have them stay in memory in case you need another asset later on or you unload the AssetBundle from memory, but then have to load it (and therefore also uncompress it time-consumingly) again if you require another asset at a later point. But AssetBundles have a downside that makes them pretty much useless to me: They NEED to be loaded COMPLETELY into memory to load an asset out of them.

The first and obvious thought would be to use AssetBundles. The thing is that I need to have assets to be downloadable from the internet and to load them during runtime. I've got a little problem here that I'd like to ask you if somebody knows a solution to it.