
Stereology and image analysis
Stereology and image analysis

stereology and image analysis

Estimates of vascular (angiography) network geometry are easily obtained and applications to particle volume, surface area, spacing, and number are possible. Ambiguities and overlap obscuration in projections are discussed. Estimates of vascular (angiography) network geometry are easily obtained and applications to particle volume, surface area, spacing, and number are possible.ĪB - This paper extends the results of Part I to estimates of threeâ€�dimensional anatomy and morphology obtained form measurements on a projection plane.

stereology and image analysis

The extent of total cardiac fibrosis was assessed by image analysis on Masson’s trichrome-stained tissue specimens using automated Colocalization and Genie software, by Stereology grid count and manually by Pathologist’s visual score. Ambiguities and overlap obscuration in projections are discussed. Endomyocardial biopsy material from 38 patients diagnosed with inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy was used. N2 - This paper extends the results of Part I to estimates of threeâ€�dimensional anatomy and morphology obtained form measurements on a projection plane. Brown 1) 1) Charles River Laboratories, Pathology Associates, 4025 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 150, Durham, NC 27703, USA Released on J-STAGE JAdvance Publication Released MaReceived FebruAccepted Febru. T2 - Transmission (projection) radiography Bias in image analysis and its solution: unbiased stereology. T1 - Quantitative stereology and radiologic image analysis.

Stereology and image analysis