
How to manually install fallout 3 mods
How to manually install fallout 3 mods

How that affects your saved game is a different issue, but mod authors are pretty good about telling you how to keep from messing up your save. I can't speak to FOMM as I haven't used it, but for NMM and MO, it's basically just clicking uninstall. TO ENABLE MODS IN FALLOUT 4: The following must be added to Fallout4Prefs.ini, directly under the Launcher section heading: bEnableFileSelection1 Additionally, in Fallout4.ini, repalce the line.

how to manually install fallout 3 mods

Mod managers (NMM and MO) do that for you by either preserving the originals or by running in virtual Data folders so that the vanilla files don't get overwritten. The catch is going to be that you probably didn't make backup copies of the vanilla files that they overwrote, so in order to completely remove those kinds of mods, you'll basically need to uninstall and reinstall the game in order to put it back to its vanilla state.

how to manually install fallout 3 mods

Originally posted by marstinson:For manually installed mods, the process is basically to reverse what you did when you installed them.

How to manually install fallout 3 mods